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Ramadan Announcement 2007:

It's confirmed that Monday September the 1, 2008 is the first Day of Ramadan.

Ramadan Mubarak!!

Al-Bukhariyy, Muslim, and others narrated from the route of ^Abdullah Ibn ^Umar, may Allah raise his rank, that the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said what means "The lunar month is twenty-nine (29) nights so do not fast until you sight the crescent. However, if it was cloudy then complete the count to thirty (30) days." And based on that the first day of Ramadan was determined. May Allah grant us the blessings of this great month and help us reach piety. We pray that Allah, ta^ala, accepts your obedience in this Blessed Fasting Month and increases your good deeds multifold. Ameen.

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Ramadan Advice | Fasting Integrals | Ahkam as-Syam | The Night of Qadr | Shaaban | Cresent Sighting


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